Wednesday, June 25, 2008
dad gum cat
house training + kitten = not one bit of fun
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
w is for wedding, waller & wuv...a quote from the wed :)

31 and just barely hanging on to 27. we've been married for just over a year and a half and what can i say but marriage suits me and my cutie. we finally made it out of our itty bitty one bedroom apartment and have moved on to bigger and better a three bedroom townhome, complete with a guest room ready for fun friends to come and stay. with the new digs come new thoughts like, "holy cow i've got to get this place looking exactly like my new pottery barn catalog that i just got in the mail." unfortunately for me (but fortunately for nathan) a bedroom out of the pottery barn catalog costs an arm, a leg and maybe another leg. so here we are slowly but surely making our house a home. i have to say that my favorite part is having a kitchen i can actually move around in. i love love love to bake so having a spacious kitchen is crucial so thank goodness we're all set.
and on to more new things ie members of our family, let me introduce you to...
he's is our sweet little, rambunctious, cuddly puppy. we went to an adoptathon at the ballpark at arlington and came home with ziggy a german shepherd/husky mix which translates to adorable.
kitten (name still tbd) suggestions?
so...we had a name for our little kitten (who landed on our front porch). we had chosen know penny lane from the beatles or penny as in find a penny pick it up but low and behold our sweet little penny is a sweet little boy. so we are in the midst of a battle of names how 'bout 'not' penny?

whew...we're about all tapped out with new additions to the waller fam for at least a little while (some people aren't too happy about that) but who knows only time will tell...maybe a bunny will find its way to our porch. who knows